This is the very crucial point that leads to the management of time and papers for both teachers and students. Teacher set the exam and students get and correct it and system provide them the marks.
Parents receive an alert the time student arrive to / leave school. Via an SMS. School get the updates such as hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and you can generate reports.
Depliant is the one of feature of the system, where school set whatever model! for their advertisements. It cost lowest energy to do so, flexible, favority colors for your wishes.
Teacher posts the notes, exercises, homeworks, handouts,... and the students access them via their dashboards according to their levels and do the works and submit if there are some submission.
Software is built at the service where the mail is addressed to the parents or guardians of the students according to the information about. This service is about the notification from the school.
eSchool system leads to the management of the library the way that school record the books within all necessary descriptions then the students own make search (online) accordingly, and make the request via their dashboard.
The software is providing the process of payment where you can view the school bank account, then after paid the school fees you upload the bank slip, and the school have the option to view and download.
Online School Registration Provide students access to course information online, as well as the ability to register and pay any required fees online by uploading the bank slip, the future integration will be done direct.
Nowadays technology, no need to manipulate the student marks by handing. This software provide the way that the lecturers/ teachers record the marks for each taught module, then system own generates the reports.
Dear estimated clients, our system is very secured for unauthorized persons want to access the system, once you attempt to a cess with illegally, you can not do so. It is SECURED
The SMS as notification is very important to the both sides school and the parents to facilitate the communication gateway accordingly. The software also is built in such kind.
Provide students access to their electronic ID card and using for attendance management system, and it is very crucial for teacher attendance management system, and can be done both smart phone and laptop.
Provide students access to their left assignments during the assessment period, and help them to access again to their marks. And system allow them to attach the correction, and can be updated his/her self.
Academic Soft as known as eSchool, has the huge features, among them there is TIMETABLE as the best process to setout the timetable, and it is very dynamic for all users (Whole classes, teachers) it is very crucial.